Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to commonly asked questions about DANTE. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please follow the link opposite to send us a question.
What is DANTE?
DANTE has been delivering pan-European research networks since 1993…
What is an NREN?
NRENs are National Research and Education Networks….
What does DANTE do?
DANTE’s primary mission is to plan, build and manage pan-European research networks…
Why is DANTE important?
The work in which DANTE and its partners are involved is at the forefront of the development of the Internet…
How is DANTE funded?
DANTE receives most of its funding from GÉANT project partners…
What do staff at DANTE do?
DANTE staff are divided into four functional groups…
What’s the difference between DANTE and GÉANT?
DANTE is the coordinating and managing partner in the GÉANT project…
What is Research Networking and why is it important?
Research networking is the provision of data communications networks for the use of the research and academic community…